What is an iOS device ?

Hello friends,
Today we will talk about iOS device and Is it better than Android ?

So lets get started >>

An iOS is an operating system like Android but it has some restrictions like You only install the app which is available in iTunes or their appstore but Android has no limit of access any app on their operating system.

iOS is managed and used by Apple Inc.
Apple mobile devices and laptops are more popular in rich guys of this world but I think Android is the best in class. where iOS have limited access there Android have no limits and also better graphics system with Inbuilt playstore which have a lot of apps and games for entertainment.

iOS released iOS 12 between the competition of Android 7.0 but Android is best from Apple iOS.
But Apple has some thing special like its processor and its graphical user interface is also awesome.

That's why I love Apple iPhone 10

Which phone you like in Apple ? Please let us know in comment box.

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